Cernera S, Gemicioglu T, Berezutskaya J, Csaky R, Verwoert M, Polyakov D, Papadopoulos S, Spagnolo V, Astudillo JG, Kumar S, Alawieh H, Kelly D, Keough JRG, Minhas A, Dold M, Han Y, McClanahan A, Mustafa M, Gonzalez-Espana JJ, Garro F, Vujic A, Kacker K, Kapeller C, Geukes S, Verbaarschot C, Wimmer M, Sultana M, Ahmadi S, Herff C, Sburlea AI, Jeunet C, Thompson DE, Semprini M, Andersen R, Stavisky S, Kinney-Lang E, Lotte F, Thielen J, Chen X, Peterson V, Gunduz A, Vaughan T, Valeriani D (2025). Master classes of the tenth international brain-computer interface meeting: showcasing the research of BCI trainees. Journal of Neural Engineering. Online PDF
Daly I, Matran-Fernandez A, Lebedev MA, KKübler A, Valeriani D (2025). Editorial: Datasets for brain-computer interface applications, volume II. Frontiers in Neuroscience. Online
Singh AK, Bianchi L, Valeriani D, Nakanishi M (2024). Editorial: Advances and challenges to bridge computational intelligence and neuroscience for brain-computer interface. Frontiers in Neuroergonomics. Online PDF
Valeriani D, Cecotti H, Thelen A, Herff C (2023). Editorial: Translational brain-computer interfaces: From research labs to the market and back. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. Online PDF
Valeriani D, O'Flynn LC, Worthley A, Hamzehei Sichani A, Simonyan K (2022). Multimodal collaborative brain-computer interfaces aid human-machine team decision-making in a pandemic scenario. Journal of Neural Engineering. Online PDF
Valeriani D, Santoro F, Ienca M (2022). The present and future of neural interfaces. Frontiers in Neurorobotics. Online PDF
Simonyan K, Ehrlich SK, Andersen R, Brumberg J, Guenther F, Hallett M, Howard MA, Millán JDR, Reilly RB, Schultz T, Valeriani D (2022). Brain-Computer Interfaces for Treatment of Focal Dystonia. Movement Disorders. Online PDF
Salvatore C*, Valeriani D*, Piccialli V, Bianchi L (2022). Optimized Collaborative Brain-Computer Interfaces for Enhancing Face Recognition. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. Online PDF
Huggins J, Krusienski D, Vansteensel MJ, Valeriani D, Thelen A, Stavisky S, Norton JJS, Nijholt A, Müller-Putz G, Kosmyna N, Korczowski L, Kapeller C, Herff C, Halder S, Guger C, Grosse-Wentrup M, Gaunt R, Dusang AN, Clisson P, Chavarriaga R, Anderson CW, Allison B, Aksenova T, Aarnoutse E (2022). Workshops of the eighth international brain-computer interface meeting: BCIs: the next frontier. Brain-Computer Interfaces. Online PDF
't Hart BM, Achakulvisut T, Adeyemi A, Akrami A, Alicea B, Alonso-Andres A, Alzate-Correa D, Ash A, Ballesteros JJ, Balwani A, Batty E, Beierholm U, Benjamin AS, Bhalla U, Blohm G, Blohm JCH, Bonnen K, Brigham M, Brunton BW, Butler JS, CCNSS, Caie B, Cayco Gajic NA, Chatterjee S, Chavlis S, Chen R, Cheng Y, Chow HM, Chua R, Dai Y, David I, DeWitt EEJ, Denis J, Dipani A, Dorschel A, Drugowitsch J, Dwivedi K, Escola S, Fan H, Farhoodi R, Fei Y, Fiquet PÉ, Fontolan L, Forest J, Fujishima Y, Galbraith BV, Galdamez M, Gao R, Gjorgjieva J, Gonzalez A, Gu Q, Guo Y, Guo Z, Gupta PK, Gurbuz BT, Haimerl C, Harrod JB, Hyafil A, Irani M, Jacobson D, Johnson M, Jones IS, Karni G, Kass RE, Kim HE, Kist AM, Koene R, Kording K, Krause MR, Kumar A, Kühn NK, LC RAY, Laporte ML, Lee J, Li S, Lin S, Lin Y, Liu S, Liu T, Livezey JA, Lu L, Macke JH, Mahaffy K, Martins AL, Martorell N, Martínez M, Mattar MG, Menendez JA, Miller KD, Mineault PJ, Mohammadi N, Mohsenzadeh Y, Morgenroth E, Morshedzadeh T, Mosberger AC, Muliya M, Mur M, Murray JD, ND Y, Naud R, Nayak P, Oak A, Olivos Castillo I, Orouji S, Otero-Millan J, Pachitariu M, Pandey B, Paredes R, Parent J, Park IM, Peters MAK, Pitkow X, Poirazi P, Popal H, Prabhakaran S, Qiu T, Ragunathan S, Rodriguez-Cruces R, Rolnick D, Sahoo AK, Salehinajafabadi S, Savin C, Saxena S, Schrater P, Schroeder K, Schwarze AC, Sedigh-Sarvestani M, Sekhar KY, Shadmehr R, Shanechi MM, Sharma S, Shea-Brown E, Shenoy KV, Shimabukuro CL, Shuvaev S, Sin MCA, Smith M, Steinmetz NA, Stosio K, Straley E, Strandquist G, Stringer C, Tomar R, Tran N, Triantafillou S, Udeigwe L, Valeriani D, Valton V, Vaziri-Pashkam M, Vincent P, Vishne G, Wallisch P, Wang P, Ward C, Waskom M, Wei K, Wu A, Wu Z, Wyble B, Zhang L, Zysman D, d'Oleire Uquillas F, van Viegen T. (2022). Neuromatch Academy: a 3-week, online summer school in computational neuroscience. The Journal of Open Source Education. Online PDF
Easttom C, Bianchi L, Valeriani D, Nam CS, Hossaini A, Zapala D, Roman-Gonzalez A, Singh AK, Antonietti A, Sahonero-Alvarez G, Balachandran P (2021). A functional BCI model by the P2731 working group: control interface. Brain-Computer Interfaces. Online PDF
Valeriani D, Ayaz H, Kosmyna N, Poli R, Maes P (2021). Editorial: Neurotechnologies for Human Augmentation. Frontiers in Neuroscience. Online PDF
Valeriani D, Simonyan K (2021). The dynamic connectome of speech control. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. Online PDF Supplementary
Antonietti A, Balachandran P, Hossaini A, Hu Y, Valeriani D (2021). The BCI Glossary: a first proposal for a community review. Brain-Computer Interfaces. Online
Hossaini A, Valeriani D, Nam C S, Ferrante R, Mahmud M (2021). A Functional BCI Model by the P2731 working group: Physiology. Brain-Computer Interfaces. Online PDF
Daly I, Matran-Fernandez A, Valeriani D, Lebedev MA, Kübler (2021). Editorial: Datasets for Brain-Computer Interface Applications. Frontiers in Neuroscience. Online PDF
Bhattacharyya S, Valeriani D, Cinel C, Citi L, Poli R (2021). Anytime collaborative brain-computer interfaces for enhancing perceptual group decision-making. Scientific Reports. Online PDF
van Viegen T, Akrami A, Bonnen K, DeWitt E, Hyafil A, Ledmyr H, Lindsay G W, Mineault P, Murray J D, Pitkow X, Puce A, Sedigh-Sarvestani M, Stringer C, Achakulvisut T, Alikarami E, Selim Atay M, Batty E, Erlich J C, Galbraith B V, Guo Y, Juavinett A L, Krause M R, Li S, Pachitariu M, Straley E, Valeriani D, Vaughan E, Vaziri-Pashkam M, Waskom M L, Blohm G, Kording K, Schrater P, Wyble B, Escola S, Peters M A K (2021). Neuromatch Academy: Teaching Computational Neuroscience with Global Accessibility. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. Online PDF
Fernandez-Vargas J, Tremmel C, Valeriani D, Bhattacharyya S, Cinel C, Citi L, Poli R (2021). Subject- and task-independent neural correlates and prediction of decision confidence in perceptual decision making. Journal of Neural Engineering. Online PDF
Easttom C, Bianchi L, Valeriani D, Nam C S, Hossaini A, Zapala D, Roman-Gonzalez A, Singh A K, Antonietti A, Sahonero-Alvarez G, Balachandran P (2021). A Functional Model for Unifying Brain Computer Interface Terminology. IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology. Online PDF
Valeriani D, Simonyan K (2020). A microstructural neural network biomarker for dystonia diagnosis identified by a DystoniaNet deep learning platform. PNAS. Online PDF Supplementary
Bielczyk N, Ando A, Badhwar AP, Caldinelli C, Gao M, Haugg A, Hernandez L, Ito K, Kessler D, Lurie D, Makary M, Nikolaidis A, Veldsman M, Allen C, Bankston A, Bottenhorn K, Braukmann R, Calhoun V, Cheplygina V, Costa Boffino C, Ercan E, Finc K, Foo H, Khatibi A, La C, Mehler D, Narayanan S, Poldrack R, Reddy Raamana P, Salo T, Godard-Sebillotte C, Uddin L, Valeriani D, Valk S, Walton C, Ward P, Yanes J, Zhou X, OHBM Student and Postdoc Special Interest Group (2020). Effective self-management for early career researchers in the natural and life sciences - Neuron. Online PDF
Valeriani D, Poli R (2019). Cyborg groups enhance face recognition in crowded environments. PLOS ONE. Online PDF MoBI award (shortlisted)
Valeriani D, Cinel C, Poli R (2019). Brain-Computer Interfaces for Human Augmentation. Brain Sciences. Online PDF
Cinel C, Valeriani D, Poli R (2019). Neurotechnologies for Human Cognitive Augmentation: Current State of the Art and Future Prospects. Frontiers Human Neuroscience. Online PDF
Valeriani D, Cinel C, Poli R (2017). Group Augmentation in Realistic Visual-Search Decisions via a Hybrid Brain-Computer Interface. Scientific Reports. Online PDF MoBI award (shortlisted)
Valeriani D, Poli R, Cinel C (2016). Enhancement of Group Perception via a Collaborative Brain-Computer Interface. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. Online PDF
Poli R, Valeriani D, Cinel C (2014). Collaborative Brain-Computer Interface for Aiding Decision-making. PLOS ONE. Online PDF
Cigolini M, Costalunga A, Parisi F, Patander M, Salsi I, Signifredi A, Valeriani D, Lodi Rizzini D, Caselli S (2014). Lessons learned in a Ball Fetch-And-Carry Robotic Competition. Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems. Online PDF
Alcaide R, Agarwal N, Candassamy J, Cavanagh S, Lim M, Meschede-Krasa B, McIntyre J, Ruiz-Blondet M, Siebert B, Stanley D, Valeriani D, Yousefi A (2021). EEG-Based Focus Estimation Using Neurable's Enten Headphones and Analytics Platform, bioRxiv. Online PDF
Fernandez Vargas J, Valeriani D, Cinel C, Sadras N, Ahmadipour P, Shanechi MM, Citi L, Poli R (2020). Confidence Prediction From EEG Recordings in a Multisensory Environment. International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Technology 2020 (Tokyo, Japan). Online PDF
Bhattacharyya S, Valeriani D, Cinel C, Citi L, Poli R (2019). Collaborative Brain-Computer Interfaces to Enhance Group Decisions in an Outpost Surveillance Task. Proceedings of the 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society 2019 (Berlin, Germany). Online PDF
Bhattacharyya S, Valeriani D, Cinel C, Citi L, Poli R (2019). Target Detection in Video Feeds with Selected Dyads and Groups Assisted by Collaborative Brain-Computer Interfaces. Proceedings of the 9th International IEEE EMBS Neural Engineering Conference (San Francisco, CA, USA). Online PDF
Valeriani D, Cinel C, Poli R (2017). Augmenting Group Performance in Target-Face Recognition via Collaborative Brain-Computer Interfaces for Surveillance Applications. Proceedings of the 8th International IEEE EMBS Neural Engineering Conference (Shanghai, China). Online Poster PDF
Valeriani D, Matran-Fernandez A (2015). Towards a Wearable Device for Controlling a Smartphone with Eye Winks. Proceedings of the 7th Computer Science and Electronic Engineering Conference (Colchester, UK). Online PDF
Valeriani D, Poli R, Cinel C (2015). A Collaborative Brain-Computer Interface to Improve Human Performance in a Visual Search Task. Proceedings of the 7th International IEEE EMBS Neural Engineering Conference (Montpellier, France). Online PDF Best paper award
Valeriani D, Poli R, Cinel C (2015). A Collaborative Brain-Computer Interface for Improving Group Detection of Visual Targets in Complex Natural Environments. Proceedings of the 7th International IEEE EMBS Neural Engineering Conference (Montpellier, France). Online Poster PDF
Valeriani D, Lodi Rizzini D, Oleari F, Caselli S (2013). A Viewpoint Planning and Navigation Algorithm for Mobile Robots using Depth Images. Proceedings of the Australasian Conference on Robotics and Automation (Sydney, Australia). Video PDF
Mesejo-Santiago P, Cagnoni S, Costalunga A, Valeriani D (2013). Segmentation of Histological Images using a Metaheuristic-based Level Set Approach. Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference Companion on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (Amsterdam, Netherlands). Online PDF
Valeriani D. Brain-Computer Interfaces. Collaborative Intelligence: How Humans and AI Are Transforming Our World, M. Lane and A. Sethumadhavan, Eds. The MIT Press, 2024. Online
Molnar A, Stanley D, Valeriani D (2023). Neurotechnology, Stakeholders, and Neuroethics: Real Decisions and Trade-Offs from an Insider's Perspective. Policy, Identity, and Neurotechnology, V. Dubljević and A. Coin, Eds. Springer, 2023. Online PDF
Bhattacharyya S, Cinel C, Citi L, Valeriani D, Poli R (2021). Walking improves the performance of a brain-computer interface for group decision making. Current Research in Neuroadaptive Technology, S. H. Fairclough and T. O. Zander, Eds. Associated Press, 2021. Online PDF
Valeriani D, Cinel C, Poli R (2019). Hybrid Collaborative Brain-Computer Interfaces to Augment Group Decision Making. Neuroergonomics: The Brain at Work and in Everyday Life, H. Ayaz and F. Dehais, Eds. Elsevier, 2019. Online PDF
Valeriani D, Matran-Fernandez A (2018). Past and Future of Multi-Mind Brain-Computer Interfaces. Brain-Computer Interfaces Handbook: Technological and Theoretical Advances, C. Nam, A. Nijholt and F. Lotte, Eds. CRC Press, 2018. Online PDF
Matran-Fernandez A, Valeriani D, Poli R (2016). Toward BCIs out of the lab: The impact of motion artefacts on Brain-Computer Interfaces performance. Wireless Medical Systems and Algorithms: Design and Applications, P. Salvo and M. Hernandez-Silveira, Eds. CRC Press, 2016, pp. 219-240. Online PDF
Simonyan K, Valeriani D (2021). Objective Evaluation of Neurological Movement Disorders from Medical Imaging. International Patent Application No. PCT/US2020/053571. World Intellectual Property Organization. Online
Valeriani D, Emir-Farinas H, Faranesh T (2023). An Age Index Derived From Heart Rate Metrics Is Associated With Cardiovascular Risk Biomarkers. AHA Scientific Sessions 2023. Online PDF
Valeriani D, Su HW, Baur S, Weng WH, Daswani M (2023). Screening Stage-2 Hypertension from Finger Photoplethysmography. IEEE BSN 2023. PDF Poster Best Poster Award
Howell-Munson A, Piper WT, Guarrera T, Stanley D, Valeriani D, Lim M, Alcaide RE (2023). Detecting Focus States in Office Environment with Neurable EEG Headset. BCI Meeting 2023. Online PDF
Valeriani D, Worthley A, O'Flynn LC, Hamzehei Sichani A, Simonyan K (2021). Brain-Computer Interfaces for Optimal Human-Machine Collaboration. Virtual BCI Meeting 2021. Online PDF Slides Poster Video Best Poster Award
Valeriani D (2020). Neurotechnologies for Optimal Human-Machine Collaboration in Decision-Making. 2020 IEEE Brain Workshop on Advanced Neurotechnologies. PDF
Valeriani D, Simonyan K (2020). DystoniaNet: Neural Biomarker-Based Platform for Dystonia Diagnosis using Deep Learning. 2nd Annual Computational Data Neuroscience Symposium 2020. Video Abstract Award
Valeriani D, Simonyan K (2020). DystoniaNet: Neural Biomarker-Based Platform for Dystonia Diagnosis using Deep Learning. International Congress of Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders (MDS Virtual Congress) 2020. Online PDF Poster Top Abstract
Valeriani D, O'Flynn LC, Worthley A, Simonyan K (2020). Neural Correlates of Accuracy and Confidence during Realistic Decision-Making in Noisy Environments. Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) Annual Meeting 2020 (Virtual). Online PDF Poster Video
Manmadhan Nair R, Ghasem Sani O, Sadras N, Song C, Ahmadipouranari P, Valeriani D, Cinel C, Citi L, Poli R, Shanechi MM (2019). Decoding human confidence from neural signals. Society for Neuroscience (SfN) Annual Meeting 2019 (Chicago, IL, USA). Online
Narasimham S, Valeriani D, Hutchinson M, Simonyan K, Reilly R (2019). Evaluating Multimodal Integration of Abnormalities in Adult Onset Idiopathic Focal Dystonia (AOIFD) via Multivariate Pattern Analysis (MVPA) and Ensemble Learning (EL). International Congress of Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders 2019. Online
Valeriani D, Simonyan K (2019). Automatic Diagnosis of Spasmodic Dysphonia with Structural MRI and Machine Learning. Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) Annual Meeting 2019 (Rome, Italy). PDF Poster People's Choice Abstract Award
Bhattacharyya S, Cinel C, Citi L, Valeriani D, Poli R (2019). Walking Improves the Performance of a Brain-Computer Interface for Group Decision Making. Neuroadaptive Technology Conference 2019 (Liverpool, UK). PDF
Valeriani D, Bhattacharyya S, Cinel C, Citi L, Poli R (2018). Augmenting group decision making accuracy in a realistic environment using collaborative brain-computer interfaces based on error-related potentials. 7th International BCI Meeting, 2018 (Asilomar Conference Center in Pacific Grove, California, USA). Online PDF
Valeriani D, Cinel C, Poli R (2017). A Collaborative BCI Trained to Aid Group Decisions in a Visual Search Task Works Well with Similar Tasks. Neuroadaptive Technology Conference 2017 (Berlin, Germany). PDF
Valeriani D, Cinel C, Poli R (2016). Hybrid Collaborative Brain-Computer Interfaces to Augment Group Decision Making. 1st International Conference on Neuroergonomics (Paris, France). PDF
Valeriani D, Cinel C, Poli R (2016). Improving Speech Perception with Collaborative Brain-Computer Interfaces. 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (Orlando, USA). Poster PDF
Valeriani D, Matran-Fernandez A, Perez-Liebana D, Asensio-Cubero J, O'Connell C, Iacob A (2015). A Comparison of Ensemble Methods for Motor Imagery Brain-Computer Interfaces. European Conference on Data Analysis (Colchester, UK). PDF
Cigolini M, Costalunga A, Parisi F, Patander M, Salsi I, Signifredi A, Valeriani D, Lodi Rizzini D, Caselli S (2013). Lessons learned in a Ball Fetch-And-Carry Robotic Competition. 4th International Conference on Robotics in Education (Lodz, Poland). Video PDF
PhD Thesis - Improving Group Decision Making with Collaborative Brain-Computer Interfaces - University of Essex, UK (2017). Online
MEng Dissertation - A 3D Perception System for Mobile Robot Navigation and Object Detection - Università degli Studi di Parma, Italy (2013). Video (ITA) PDF (ITA)
BEng Dissertation - Development of a software library for programming the Comau Smart Six robot manipulator - Università degli Studi di Parma, Italy (2010). Video (ITA) PDF (ITA)